Our studies are a fun way to help make new discoveries in contraceptive technology.


Condom Study

This research study will enroll 300 couples to compare two experimental polyurethane condoms with a commercial latex condom. Couples will use 15 condoms at home – 10 of the polyurethane condoms and 5 of the latex condoms. All study supplies, including condoms and lubricant are provided at no cost to you. You and your partner may each receive up to $250 for your participation.

What Will Happen During the Study:

To begin, both you and your partner will attend a video conference visit to learn more about the study. If you decide to participate, you will sign an electronic consent form and receive study instructions. After that, we will interview you and your partner separately to ask some personal screening questions about your health history and past experience using condoms. If eligible, you will both attend a curbside enrollment visit where you will receive your first set of 5 study condoms. You and your partner will complete online questionnaires after each condom use. During the study, you will have 3 more curbside visits to drop off your unused condoms and receive your next set of study condoms. After your last curbside visit, you will have a short exit phone call where we will load your cash cards. The study takes approximately 3-5 months to complete.  


After completing the study, you and your partner will each receive up to $250 on a cash card.

Southern California:

Curbside visits over the Greater Los Angeles areas

Northern California:

Curbside visits in San Francisco and the East Bay


Curbside visits over the Greater Seattle area

This study is sponsored by Reckitt Benckiser Health Limited.


Contact Us

To see if you qualify to participate, call us using the phone numbers on this page. Or fill out the online form and we will call you back

Southern California


Northern California


